Discussing Bitcoin And V For Vendetta

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[00:00:08] CK: What's up Lauren, how's it going?

[00:00:09] LS: Hey, how are you? I'm pretty good.

[00:00:12] CK: Really excited to have this space. Waiting on Svetski to join. If you can, it'd be great if you shared the tweet linking to your article to the top here.

[00:00:22] LS: Sure. Let me do that one second.

[00:00:25] CK: While we wait for Svetski and while Lauren is pinning her article to the top, I just want to really briefly introduce this space. Both Lauren and Svetski wrote articles about how Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto and this, I guess, freedom fight that we're fighting, all ties into the story of V for Vendetta and the 5th of November. Wanted to get on a space with both of them to discuss. Really exciting stuff. I'm really excited for this conversation.

It's going to be a short one. Just one hour. But it should be action-packed. Before we get into it though, want to tell you guys about the Bitcoin Conference and Bitcoin 2022. Svetski just sponsored in a big way with Amber, so that's super freaking exciting. Amber is doing some really great things, but Bitcoin 2022 is the ultimate Bitcoiner gathering in Miami, next year, April 6th through the 9th. Four-day event. Bitcoin only.

On the last day, we're going to be having a Bitcoin music festival. You GA ticket gets you into all of that good stuff. We also have a lot of awesome VIP experiences as well. Go to b.tc, check out the site and go to Bitcoin 2022. You will not regret it. Svetski, welcome to the chat. How's it going, my man?

[00:01:42] AS: Yo, what's up buddy? I heard you say, it's going to be an hour conversation. Why the hell did you invite me? I can stay for three hours.

[00:01:49] CK: Yeah, it's going to be tough, but I'm going to try to reign you in and make sure Lauren has a shot to talk, too.

[00:01:54] AS: Oy, I actually did a short article. Can you believe that shit? What the fuck.

[00:02:00] CK: Yeah. Hey, let's just jump right into it. Maybe Lauren, I want to give both of you an opportunity to talk about your articles. Lauren, maybe you want to start us off and talk about your article and then Svetski, you can follow up. <phoenix-ad