BTC forming bottom akin to 2018 with one key difference: Bloomberg analyst

BTC forming bottom akin to 2018 with one key difference: Bloomberg analyst

Mike McGlone, Bloomberg’s senior commodity strategist believes Bitcoin (

McGlone also said the market has entered an “unprecedented” environment, “where we’re having bounces in what we know are bear markets and the Fed just says, sorry we’re taking the punchbowl away, we’re not giving it get back to you.”

“I still think we’re in the midst of the biggest macroeconomic reset of our lifetimes, we just had a 100-year event in terms of the pandemic, we’re having a historic war in Europe and we’re having a historic shift in political leadership in China,” he added.

“I mean it’s going back to the days of the Soviet Union when you have one leader and are expecting to be economically viable.”

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