Cryptocurrency is headed toward surviving its first age

Cryptocurrency is headed toward surviving its first age

The past year was a challenge across the globe. Financial markets plunged deep into the red, affecting millions, if not billions, of people worldwide. Inflation rose. For crypto, it has arguably been the worst year since Bitcoin’s (

With people increasingly interested in owning and monetizing their data, ?blockchain — or, more specifically, smart devices connected to smart contracts,? ?such as decentralized wireless projects? —? will see more significant adoption from 2023 onward.

And then comes 2023

The crypto and blockchain space has survived four crypto winters, demonstrating its resilience, and it is here to stay. In 2023, we will see increased interest in greater transparency and the need for regulations to build greater trust among those crypto and blockchain projects that continue to ?act in bad faith.

Bad actors will continue to be swiped left by legitimate blockchain projects and entrepreneurs working together to improve ?the cryptocurrency? space. Where large crypto companies previously held most of the power, 2023 will uplift innovative builders creating next-generation applications that will carry the next wave of mass adoption.

Raullen Chai is the co-founder and CEO of IoTeX. He previously worked for companies including Google, Uber and Oracle. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, where his research focused on designing and analyzing lightweight ciphers and IoT authentication protocols. At Google, he led many important security initiatives for its technical infrastructure, including mitigation of SSL attacks, privacy-preserving SSL offloading and enabling certificate transparency for all Google services. He was also the founding engineer of Google Cloud Load Balancer, which now serves thousands of cloud services, with over 1 million queries per second.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

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