The Stage Is Now Set: Bitcoin Will Replace Fiat

This article was originally published in Bitcoin Magazine's "Orange Party" print edition with the headline "The Stage Is Now Set." Click here to subscribe now.

After many years of development and the successful routing of socialists, evil CIA proponents of “Democracy”, cowards and soft-skinned, fat, virtue-signaling infiltrators, Bitcoin is stronger than ever, growing in many surprising and encouraging ways and confounding people who can’t think.

The stage is now set for Bitcoin to totally replace fiat online and offline as the main way people spend. The infallible Bitcoin network and consumer-grade Bitcoin tools are spreading like wildfire in every direction as people wake up to what this new network can do for them and how fiat is inflating under their feet, just as people woke up to what the web could do, and that they didn’t need the post office any more.

The greatest explosion of Bitcoin users will be on mobile phone platforms where Wallet of Satoshi, Samourai Wallet, Breez, Muun, Phoenix, Pine, and BlueWallet are the vanguard of a new class of applications in the emerging “Consumer Bitcoin” sector.<phoenix-ad