Web Summit Lisbon, Nov. 4: Latest updates from Cointelegraphs ground team

It’s the final day of Web Summit 2022, and the Cointelegraph team on the ground is all set to bring you some of the best insights, personal interviews and more. 619 Total views 6 Total shares Listen to article 0:00 Event Welcome back to day three of the Web Summit, one of the worlds leading tech conferences, with over 71,000 attendees on the third day. Stationed in Lisbon, Portugal, Cointelegraph’s ground team is ready to bring the most exclusive insights on Web3, crypto and blockchain from the event.

The first two days of the summit saw some of the leading Web3 founders share their views on the future of finance, metaverse and gaming. WAX CEOWilliam Quigley told Cointelegraph that traditional firms likely wont be leading the charge in the next generation of Web3 games. Sandbox co-founder said that the future of the metaverse is in a state of evolution, with bothbrands and users as important catalysts of growth.

Yuga Labs CEO said that NFTs could bring a new form of digital ownership to the masses in Web3 while Chainalysis CEO shared his views on the increasing crypto hacks and how to mitigate them. Read more suchexclusive insights from day twoof our live coverage.

The Cointelegraph team is back on the ground to bring you some of the latest and exclusive insights from the event.

Disclaimer: Dont forget to check this article regularly to be notified about the most recent announcements from the event. All timestamps are in the UTC time zone, and updates are in reverse order (the latest update is placed at the top).

11:30 am- Prominent crypto investor Tim Draper was next on stage to discuss the market conditions, the funding aspects of it and said that bear markets doesn’t worry him, rather its the bull market makes him more nervous. His advice to startups and projects- raise as much money during the bull market as you can and don’t spend it. He added that companies should focus on using funds wisely during the bear market to stay ahead.Venture capitalist and crypto investor Tim Draper

11:00 am- The next on stage is sir Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the world wide web along with the co-founder of his Web3 firm Inrupt,John Bruce, discussing the societal and economic impact of Web3. Lee said that the focus should be on efficiency rather than branding like Web3.World wide web inventor Tim Lee

10:30 am- The first-panel discussion on the main stage revolved around the future of crypto with the likes of Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson,Ben McKenzie actor and journalist at Slate and Web3 creatorMolly White.Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, actor and journalist Ben McKenzie discussing Bitcoin

McKenzie started the discussion by bashing crypto and calling El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption a failure since he didn’t see many people using it. Hoskinson was quick to counter the “bizarre” notion and said that cryptocurrencies are reimagining the financial system. On the question about El Salvador, Hoskinson was quick to remind him that BTC is a digital commodity and El Salvador is using it as a bi-monetary system the same way the United States doesn’t use gold directly for transactions.

9:30 am- Unlike yesterdays gloomy, rainy weather, today Lisbon is as sunny as it gets. The Cointelegraph team is ready for the action on day three, but first breakfast and some coffee!

Unlike yesterdays gloomy, rainy weather, today Lisbon is as sunny as it gets ??

Were tempted to go surfing tomorrow morning if the weather keeps treating us right. ??? pic.twitter.com/d9gXRcNHuV— Cointelegraph (@Cointelegraph) November 4, 2022 #Blockchain #Cryptocurrencies #Conference #Metaverse #DeFi #Web3 #NFT Related News The biggest crypto heists of all time Crypto Twitter split as another NFT platform moves to opt-in royalties Shoppers in India can now order sneakers in the Metaverse for a week Q&A: NFTs and metaverses will play a key role in gaming as long as one key thing happens Web3 gaming metaverse aims to revolutionize GameFi