Vitalik Buterin Skeptical Of Elon Musk’s Twitter ‘Blue Check’ Plan: ‘How Well This Works Depends On…’

Ethereum ETH/USD creator Vitalik Buterin said newly-minted Twitter CEO Elon Musk's plans to put a price tag on verification tag could damage blue check's anti-scam role.

What Happened: Buterin, in a series of tweets, stated that lack of due diligence would cripple the anti-scam role of the verification process. His tweets came in response to 'Chief Twit' and Tesla IncTSLA CEO Musk's announcement that Twitter Blue will be available for $8 per month, which includes the blue check badge.

He said, "How well this works depends on exactly how much due diligence is done to make sure blue checks are who they say they are. "Pay $8/month and call yourself whatever" would damage the blue check's anti-scam role. But if there's more actual verification, the result is very different."

How well this works depends on exactly how much due diligence is done to make sure blue checks are who they say they are. "Pay $8/month and call yourself whatever" would damage the blue check's anti-scam role. But if there's more actual verification, the result is very different. vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) November 1, 2022

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Buterin also targeted the current verification system by calling it "far more exclusive than even the $20/month level from yesterday."

He also said he would support a one-time fee as it "makes more sense from an anti-abuse perspective."

Yeah, I would support a one-time fee. It also makes more sense from an anti-abuse perspective: the one-time fee would be greater than $8, so if you get banned for misusing the blue check, you would have to pay more to try again. vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) November 2, 2022

Why It's Important: Blue-check service was earlier reported to cost $20 per month. Many users, including Stephen King, threatened to leave the platform. Users are also concerned that the approach could be a disinformation nightmare for the microblogging site.

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