Mainstream media sentiment shifts in favor of Bitcoin amid fiat currency woes

Mainstream media sentiment shifts in favor of Bitcoin amid fiat currency woes

Despite USD bringing an onslaught to stocks, commodities and its rival currencies, Bitcoin (

Meanwhile, as the British pound hit a new all-time low against the US dollar, Bitcoin’s limited supply could potentially give it an advantage against the pound. According to the finance site Porkopolis Economics, the issuance rate of the pound has been 11.2% annually since 1970 while BTC has a rate of 1.7%. This gives BTC a significantly lower supply issuance and this could potentially widen the gap between the two currencies.

Bitcoin’s price is not the only crypto scoop that made it to the mainstream media spotlight recently. Earlier in September, mainstream media outlets also put their sights on Ethereum and its recent transition to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

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