Nuclear and gas fastest growing energy sources for Bitcoin mining: Data

Nuclear and gas fastest growing energy sources for Bitcoin mining: Data

The electricity mix of Bitcoin (

The new CDAP findings noticeably differ from data by the Bitcoin Mining Council (BMC), which in July estimated the share of sustainable sources in Bitcoin’s electricity mix at nearly 60%.

“It doesn’t include nuclear or fossil fuels so from that you can imply that around 30-40% of the industry is powered by fossil fuels,” Bitfarms chief mining officer Ben Gagnon told Cointelegraph in August.

According to CBECI project lead Alexander Neumueller, the CDAP’s approach is different from the Bitcoin Mining Council when it comes to estimating Bitcoin’s electricity mix.

“We use information from our mining map to see where Bitcoin miners are located, and then examine the country, state, or province’s electricity mix. As I understand it, the Bitcoin Mining Council asks its members to self-report this data in a survey,” Neumueller stated. He still mentioned that there are still a few nuances related to lack of data in the study.

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